Fluorine (fluorite) mineral, in CaF2 chemical formula is the most important Fluor mineral which could be achieved Fluor from that. This mineral could found in yellow, green, pink, blue, purple, colorless and sometimes black and it crystallized in cubic system. It is usually in semitransparent mode and has glassy satin. The density of fluorine is 18.3 and its hardness is 4.
This mineral generally fills the empty spaces between other minerals. In nature is observed as veins accompanied by calcite, quartz, barite, Celestine and various sulfides. Pure fluorine has 48.7% Fluor and 51.3% calcium.
ZaminKav corp. with years of experience as an authority of fluorine production in Iran honored to produce the high quality of any grade of fluorine with 50% to 90% of purity. ZaminKav Corp. in order to produce science, introduced this following website which is wide and worthy reference about fluorine. Hope to be useful.