Silicon dioxide (SiO2) or silica, is a chemical compound in pure form or in combination in silicate minerals are a total of 90 percent of the Earth’s crust.
Silicon is named from the Latin word “Silicis”, which means hard rock, stone or flint is tinder. Silica is the second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust is with a amount of 25%.
Silica is a hard non-metallic, colorless or white to dark gray with the symbol Si, atomic number 14, atomic weight 28.085, specific gravity of 33.33 g/cm3, hardness of 7 in Mohs scale, white soil color and no cleavage. The boiling point of Silica is 2355 °C and the melting point is 1410 ° C.
Silica is the main constituent of siliceous sandstone, quartz, crystal crystals, tripoli and noacolite, synthetic silica and chemical silicon, clay minerals, granite, flint and diatomite.
In order, to meet the industrial needs of the country, mineral silica must utilize theoretical and engineering sciences and various technologies, in particular processing technology.
Generally, the use of silica is:
Glass Industry, China Manufacturing, Ferrosilica Production, Ceramics, Limestone Sand Brick Production, Casting, Sodium Silicate Production, Other Silica Materials, as Semiconductor in Electronic Industry and Glass Wool Production. Significant amounts of crushed stone masonry are used as building materials. The silica which is used in each of these industries, must be of particular quality.
ZaminKav Company has many years of experience as one of the silica manufacturing companies in Iran. The company is proud to produce a variety of purity and aggregates of silica to meet the market needs of this product. As part of its efforts to spread science and knowledge in the country, ZaminKav has launched this site, which is an extensive and valuable reference on silica. Hope this effort is a step forward in the development of our beloved country.